Camera Angles and Shot types
Establishing Shot
This is used to show the audience the setting of the film or scene. It can show location and any other important infomation such as time or date.
Long Shot/Wide shot
This is used to show a large amount of the setting and gives the audience more infomation about where the setting is.
Medium Shot
This shot is used when the audience is only required to see a specific part of the subject.
Close up shot
This shot is used to show one subject, it shows expression or emotion.
Extreme Close up
These shots are used to show emotion and detail

Low angle/Worms eye
This is used to show power and authority, the lower the shot is, normally the more power that is to be shown.
High angle shot
This is normally used to show a lack of power and make the subject look smaller, with less authority.
Canted shot
This is used to convay tension between people.
Pan shot
Where the camera moves from one side of the set to the other, the camera moves on an axis, rather than moving itself.

Shot reverse shot
When the camera moves 180 degrees to show the other person in the coversation.
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