Genre Anaylsis- Flight Crash Scene

In this scene, which is early in the film, Flight establishes the genre conventions of an action drama film. This is done via a multitude of methods and techniques.

Diagetic sound is a huge way in which the film sets out the genre and the tone of this section of the film. During the turbulence  the shaking of the plane sets the clear danger that the main characters are in, therefore enforcing the thriller genre, in which the main plot lines consits of the character being in danger.

The cinematography within the piece also re-enforces the genre. The cuts are fast at points in order to maintain the pace of the piece, this is to establish the sense of threat. And is used as a  genre convention throughout most action thrillers and drama's. The length of the cuts is also a noteworthy technique used. When the camera is fixed on the primary pilot, the lengths of cuts in longer, to show that the pilot is calm and collected, and tere is control in the situation. However, when the focus is on the cabin for, the shots are shorter, to show a lack on control.

There is a convention that i can see emerging within these films in the way that color is used. In order to keep the audeince fixed on the action, fewer stronger colors are used. They may be to reflect the action or simply to create realism, but there is a lack of strong, bright colour in the opening pieces that i have anaylsed so far.

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